Top 10 Heartbreaking Reasons Why Hair Salons Get No Love
Sometimes you feel like you speak another language the stylist can’t comprehend.
The stylist can feel under pressure dealing with customers in a rush while he holds the scissors like an accurate sensitive surgeon.
This lifelong conflict never ends and always causes troubles where customers refuse to pay, and the stylist calls the nearest cop.
For people who go to the salon to do their hair, I bet there are a ton of questions you would want to ask the stylist.
And for the stylists who are starting or have recurring problems.
There is nothing better than asking our man, Dallas Christopher to handle our hair salon clients better.
The Private Label partner, the international celebrity stylist is here for the rescue.
Bad Customer Experience
Do you know these restaurants that say a delightful ‘’my pleasure’’ at the end of the reservation call?
You need to have a tremendous customer service experience nothing less than that.
Being treated like routine work is very repulsive.
Your clients are some kinds of friends who come to you to loosen up and get beautiful.
But remember, business is business.
Let the relationship get intense outside of the store.
But inside the salon, they need to respect the way you price, conduct, and communicate your business.
Double-Booking and Proper Scheduling
Dallas remembers when he was an assistant to a stylist who would have around 15 clients first thing in the morning by herself alone.
Maybe a couple are under the hair dryer, a few people washing up, and some are having breakfast.
This is lowkey insane because more clients don’t necessarily mean more money.
If you can’t handle the footfall, you won’t sustain it.
Some hairstylists double-book and wait to figure it out.
They need to lead a clean book that is fair to human resources as well as the workload.
Proper scheduling is a key to organizing these problems, don’t just take the name and the date.
Let the client elaborate on what she is going to do.
So, you separate the mindset of the 30-minute sessions and the 2-hour sessions.
Late to Appointment and Long Sessions
Long sessions are nerve-wracking.
But sometimes they are necessary if the client wants remarkable hair.
But you shouldn’t prolong it so the customer feels it is worth the money.
Arriving early for the appointment, by half an hour at least, might be a good start.
To appreciate the people’s time and value your time too.
Upselling and Lying for Coins
Your equipment is expensive for sure as well as your certificate, some schools cost 20 grand.
You can do some celebrity hair, but one hairdo doesn’t justify a double surge in your prices.
Hustling around to drain the client’s pockets is not really cool, and people can catch you in the lie which hurts your reputation.
You’re a hair consultant who manages the relationship with communication.
Before doing anything, you should be the doctor responsible for the client’s hair.
You need to observe, examine, and suggest.
Give them a hint or a range for the overall costs.
If they need to buy products to maintain the hairstyle at home, and they’re not ready for it.
You can favor a single product that they must have.
Don’t offer expensive products out of the blue for silly problems.
It’s really a turn-off.
If you’re going to raise your prices send them memos a month before through email or SMS messages.
Don’t do it on the spot out of a sudden.
Another gentleman's move for the consultation costs is to make it around $20 to $25 and it can be part of the next session price if they’re already in with you.
Location, Sanitation, Maintenance
Do you remember Queen Latifah in that movie Beauty Shop where she storms into the shop and turns it upside down for cleaning?
Your salon is like a clinic.
No one wants to see you pick up a comb from the floor and use it right away.
Or see sticky hair everywhere on all the stuff.
They will be running out of the salon as soon as they come in.
Do It Yourself
You can find hair installation tutorials everywhere for anything out there, just figure.
I went into a meeting with this technical team where they offered some kind of plan to manage my websites.
Creating an online store alone costs $2000 and at the same time, I build these stores live on YouTube for you for free.
People can learn to style their own hair at home, and they do.
Don’t forget this kind of competition and keep things reasonable.
Listening and Caring
Going to the salon is somehow soul-cleansing.
It’s like meditation where they relax and be themselves.
Clients can forgive missed aimed scissors for the character.
They are going to remember how much fun they had, and how they want to experience it again.
Listening and caring is a key to differentiating yourself.
Communicating what you think with what they need to reach the desired results is the fun part of the session.
Being Versed in Different Hair Expertise
Clients come for your style, expertise, and your joyful company.
It’s an intimate experience when you work out their hair for a long time.
They know what they’re expecting.
It’s honorable and natural to lead a client to the next-door salon if the stylist there does what they’re looking for better than you.
Dallas Christopher for example is the grandmaster of round brush blowouts.
Although he does color and a lot more. Besides that, he is certified.
But recognizing your strengths points to guarantee to maintain the value you are transferring to the customer is what is going to matter.
Trim Vs. Haircut Dilemma
The term ‘’just a trim’’ is invented by clients.
For the stylist as long as he got his shears out, it’s a haircut.
But the arbitration of reason is going to tell you to remember the last time you cut their hair.
If it’s just a week or a couple of weeks ago, it would be reasonable to just dust off their hair and see how they’re satisfied so far.
And let them decide the price for that because most probably it will take just a few minutes.
Too Much Time Under the Hair Dryer
Next time you go multitask around the salon with a dozen clients at the same time.
Remember their share of your annual revenue.
It’s not just one session, they contribute to your success massively.
Respect each client and each experience.
If you want to use the hair dryer time to work on another client.
Pick a client that wouldn’t take much time.
Let it be a maximum of 20 minutes.
More than that, you better put them in a toaster.
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