Building a Dropship Hair Extension Website Part 2

Building a Dropship Hair Extension Website Live Step-by-Step (Part 2)

After we set up our Slayed Hair Co website in the previous article, today, In our blog series, I’ll help you to nourish it.

That’s an easy way to catch up with the hot deals out there and to import the right products to be the true hair business owner.

This comes coated with a beauty industry knowledge.

You can easily convert this experience on your own terms to fit the beauty brand that you’re trying to launch.

After 10 years in the hair and beauty industry, and running my e-commerce businesses on WordPress and Shopify, I learned some cool stuff, sometimes at a great cost.

So, let’s figure it out.

Setting Up Domain

Shopify will tell you what it requires to launch your website but you need to two a couple of things here.

You must have a domain, make it distinctive and remarkable.

It’s your lucky day if you didn’t have to compromise your name with slang whatsoever, if it aligns with your social media handles and legal documents, you’re a good off to a great start.

I recommend you register it through GoDaddy, though, they make terrible websites, this service is legit.

Maybe sign up for one year then make a professional email based on this domain and tie it up with Shopify.

The next thing Shopify requires is doing a test run, you shouldn’t be worried about it.

Frontal, Closures, And Bundles

There is no hair website without some good old frontals and closures.

A little hint, closures have been picking up, they require less work and maintenance and people are starting to like that.

Some have been switching from 13x4 frontals to 2x6 closures because they are more convenient.

If you installed the Dropship Beauty App, you will have access to more than 250 products.

At a subscription of $19.9 a month for the most premium plan.

Inside Shopify, you can open the app and start importing.

There are going to be up to 21 frontal options along with 27 closure options.

On a spectrum of various textures from body waves to kinky straight.

Lashes and Ponytails Deals

You might want to enrich the website with some complementary deals.

The 3D Mink Lashes market is great and as a bonus, they can also be used as gifts to urge closing purchases.

You will have up to 22 options from 25 MM lashes to 3D mink lashes.

And let’s not forget about the new ponytails.

They have this adjustable cuff so the user can tuck in her hair in seconds.

They come in 8 colors and they’re all available on Dropship Beauty App, with some seamless clip-ins being added up.

Arranging Homepage Blocks

No one loves the feeling of being oversold.

Don’t be the clingy salesman who doesn’t listen to anything but his pitch.

Too much selling will make the visitor blind before losing interest quickly.

Splash a beauty touch with a main banner that gives your brand vibes with a well-shot stock image or a crafted design.

Then introduce your bestselling products, and choose the popular ones in general, so the customer gets a grip on your prices.

Break that again with an informative piece about the products, the sources, or some copywriting paragraph, and ensure it’s valuable.

Showcase some collections with good cover photos and a bit of description for SEO.

Break the tone with some blog posts about the installation and maintenance of the products.

And finish that with a block to sign up for some email.

All of that can be done by choosing to customize the themes of your online store.

Setting Profit Margin

The price multiplier automates your profit margin based on your costs.

You can round up the number to the nearest zero or the nearest dollar.

You can do it in bulk, so you don’t give yourself some accounting headache.

Based on a price multiplier of 2x will give you a 50% profit.

It should take part of seconds to organize all of your financial goals.

Creating Collection Template

When you view a collection you can see on the top of the page that they’re can be saved or restored as a template.

This can save you a ton of time.

As you import products to a saved template.

A collection for lashes, frontal, and wigs, you import products and then go to navigation to organize them into sections and subsections for your website.

On Private Label, I include some description for SEO but sometimes I leave it at the end of the page, so it doesn’t take much space.

Along with some questions and answers like a little orientation for the brand-new visitors and first-time buyers.

Let me tell you how to get the content for that.

Generating Content

If I’m in a hurry, I sometimes resort to ChatGPT.

I’d like to be a little polite with it to encourage it to give me better results.

The trick is to ask it if it needs any more information before generating anything.

While the ideal prompt should include, your business name, tone of voice, industry, and the content you need.

I sometimes warn it not to give me some typical AI content.

You can upscale it and give it your target audience or niche.

Using this you can get some good Q&As and even slogans for your website.

Wait for the next article as we are close to designing the website, we will design some images.

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