Build A Wholesale Indian Raw Hair Website With Me - Part 3

Build A Wholesale Indian Raw Hair Website With Me - Part 3

In the first part of building the Indian Hair website series, we established the website and covered the fundamentals along with designing tips.

In the Building Indian Hair Website PT.2, we demonstrated integrations and automation aspects.

In this part, the third and the final, we will focus on creating and enhancing pages.

After that, it will be repetitive stuff that you can do on your own.

During this phase, your website should be making sense right now and almost ready to go live.

As long as you sufficient amount of blogs and products.

Wholesale Sign-Up Page

As Temple Indian Hair is for B2B hair wholesaling.

We need to encourage the clients to share their information with us to have quotes and to secure their supply.

Therefore, I need to build a sign-up page to cultivate those reviews and leads.

By going to pages in the online store, the main menu, and creating a page.

In the editor of most Shopify functions, you will see the search engine listing preview, you optimize that on the back end, and it will not appear on your website.

That is for search results, so optimize a good title, meta description, and URL, using the right keywords.

Publish this page then go to the online store to enhance it.

We did a form in the second part using the Shopify Form.

You should go there to get the Form ID, and insert it in the designated box.

As you ask people for their information you need to justify it.

That can happen by informing them about the benefits of dealing with you, pouring your selling points smoothly, and making all the text speak this truth.

Managing and Editing Cover Photos

You will want to divide your products into meaningful collections.

To set up this collection as a section for your website, you go to navigation and then create pages by using these collections.

They can also appear as banners on your homepage.

To make that look neat, you should add a title that reflects the collection with a little description with a sense of good-selling copywriting.

Then you must use cover photos that draw attention.

Most people have been using AI-generated pictures recently, and some might be loyal to stock images.

Stock images can be perceived as a low-effort investment in your website.

Retouched original and user-generated pictures always win.

You can reach out to your vendor or shoot them yourself.

The next thing to do is edit them adjusting things like filters, exposure, saturation, and so on.

Name the file as the content image without using random names.

Upload them with that name then choose a focal point to maintain the angle no matter what the screen.

Type down an Alt text expressing the image elements and ideas, so, the search engine understands what this is about.

Depending on your theme, the cover photo dimensions might vary, know them and make a canvas on Canva using the same size and upload your pictures to fill it.

That will be more than sufficient.

Footer Menu

The visitor journey will be checking your main banner, then extracting data and social proof of your website, eventually, the journey ends at the footer.

You want to help interested prospects by giving them quick links to your products. Do that by going to navigation then the footer menu.

Add your collection with shortened titles.

Then go back to customize on the online store, these collections will probably named quick links, so personalize that for your website.

Publishing Optimized Blog Posts

The page customized for blog posting will be called news, change it to blogs.

Then go and add a couple.

There are a few tips to get your blogs ready to be published.

SEO headlines look like this: < h2 > Headline < / h2 >.

H1 = For main keywords and headlines.

H2 = Relevant keywords and subheadlines.

H3 = Subcategories to make your content skimmable.

You should also link up your blogs with relevant blogs on your website as internal linking. You can do that by adding links to justified keywords in your blog narrative.

Learn more about the importance of SEO for your hair business.

About Us and Contact Us Pages

You will create these pages like we did the sign-up page.

The About Us page should have around 300 words about your brand.

Add pictures, videos, and testimonials to make it valuable.

The Contact Us page should give an estimation of the time you will take to respond.

Include all your data and locations if there are any.

For Temple Indian Hair, I added a factory page, so people have a glimpse of the manufacturing process.

SEO Audit

You don’t want your URLs to be too long.

If you go to products and do bulk editing, you should easily view all the products at the same time.

Check if the titles are consistent with the description and the URLs.

Copy this to your SEO tool to ensure keyword density.

Do this frequently and analyze the data after every change.

Social Media Linking

Some people like to add social media buttons at the top of the page.

It’s better to include them in the footer.

Most customers know they will find them there, and it keeps your header clean.

Update the links and organize the buttons from the theme then press customize.

The buttons always come with the Shopify social media channels, don’t skip this step.

I hope this series vanished your fear of starting your hair website.

The process might seem like a lot, but as soon as you familiarize yourself it will be a piece of cake.

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