Ultimate Guide to Build a Hair Extension Website on Shopify Without Inventory Cost
The hair industry altered the way I encounter life, I’m less fearful and more confident about taking steps and risks even further than my 8-figures business.
I started my business because of a mundane conversation with a friend whose girlfriend spends $3000 on hair annually.
And as simple as that I took the initiative and farmed it into a big institution.
I pledged to share everything I know about the hair business on this website.
Today, I dive deeply into building a hair website from scratch which is around 70% of building the business itself.
Whether it’s an on-the-go side hustle or your live project.
We will cover all areas considering the website with frequent notes on other ventures like marketing, scaling-up, and the financial aspect.
To make the most out of it, open the back end of your store, read along the adjustments, and check the video if you get confused.
Check our Dropship Beauty Free Course to learn hair dropshipping.
Creating Collections
To lay the ground for the products, and so our website can make sense while working our way up.
We need to create product collections.
Under the product section on the sidebar, you will find collections, click Create a Collection.
After you create main collections for the important product types like frontal, closures, and wigs make subcategories like 4x4 closures and 13x4 frontals.
And create a collection for a wide range of products that can’t be categorized.
*Keyword research: its purpose is to find relevant words that a person searches for when she needs a product you sell. Use Ahrefs free keyword search tool for that.
Importing Products and Setting Prices
Now we need products.
You already did read that you won’t need inventory, but how?
Dropship Beauty offers 250 products, the same as we use for Private Label, they made us millions and they can do that for you too.
You will have access to 100% human hair from our trusted manufacturers in China and our vendors in India.
The same materials that some celebrities use (can’t name names).
- You can install it from the Shopify app store for a $19.99 monthly payment.
- Then open it from the apps section.
- Go to the price multiplier in the setting and set your margin.
- Where a 2x margin means that you’re going to make your cost plus a 50% profit margin.
- And you can round it down or up to the nearest dollar.
Then head to the products to find what you need.
If you don’t like the products or use them yourself, it’s not a problem, your customers will need them, they know their stuff.
You imported your products in seconds, now they’re distributed all over the website to fall into their right categories.
To have perfect product images do the following:
Arranging Navigation
Under the online store you should find navigation where the main menu is your header, and the footer menu is your website's bottom section.
I don’t like the Home button in the header, it takes space while everyone knows you can click on the logo to go back.
Add menu items and tie them to the right collection.
Create sub-sections by adding menu items and dragging them under the main section.
For the footer remove anything that seems unnecessary.
You should have links to your policies and so on.
Remove ‘’Powered by Shopify’’ at the bottom by searching the settings for it and delete its links from each place.
And update your social media buttons so they don’t direct to Shopify channels from the theme setting under social media.
Building Your Homepage
The ideal e-commerce homepage should be an interval of selling and entertainment.
Don’t aggressively sell so you don’t scare prospects away.
Have nice alluring banners with punchlines.
Followed by a featured collection of popular products.
Do brief content blocks with nice imagery to get the people to know their products and materials.
Break it with blog posts that show like a magazine.
The main body colors should be in contrast with the header and footer colors, but not too flashy or disturbing.
Many shades of white provide an elegant look without much work.
While we are at it, you should write your text for the announcements bar, and write some things like free shipping or some good value offering.
Optimizing Images in Canva
I like to edit my banners and collections covers on Canva.
See the required ratios and make a canvas on Canva based on them.
You can find a lot of stock images there.
In the early years of Private Label, we didn’t do any crazy expensive photo sessions, my picture was basic but nice and they made me money.
Make the color consistent with your brand's visual identity.
That usually has three colors and a couple of fonts with texture or pattern if possible.
AI is pretty useful too; you can create an image using Chat-GPT.
Include the lighting and the perspective in the prompt and say what it’s for, also, ask Chat-GPT if it needs any more information to get better results.
Write short sentences on the main banner that speaks your brand's tone of voice and position it in the market.
Download the image after you finish at 70% quality, so it loads faster on the website for better performance.
Add relative Alt text reflecting your image content, and make sure to name the file accordingly.
When you customize the theme, select the image behavior dropdown and choose the ambient movement to make the banner more like a 3D picture.
Designing a Logo for Your Brand
We customize logos on Private Label Branding.
We specialize in beauty brands, just answer some questions about the colors, the feelings, and the styles you need and get yourself a logo for only $99.
Private Label Branding goes a long way because you can do branding for your dropshipping items as well.
Buy what you need like tags, boxes, and silk hair extensions bags.
We customize them with your logo and package the orders with them before shipping them out.
When you upload it to your website make sure it’s a transparent PNG with no corners so it doesn't take more space than it needs.
Updating Your Featured Collection
Under the banner, you should have a featured collection.
Link it to a collection like Bundle Deals or something with variants products.
If you select while customizing your theme, you should have more options to optimize it.
I like to add the View All button that redirects to the collection page.
Also, I like to make it one row that has 5 products, you can make it full width so people can swipe through nicely.
Changing Content Block on Homepage
Your website should break down visually.
That means avoiding hanging pictures down pictures down pictures.
Make it images and text.
The text should be conversational copywriting pieces that mean to sell.
Use energetic and visual words that create a good feeling.
You can get sassy or friendly or whatever you think your brand should speak.
Add things like collection lists, testimonials, and videos if they’re light to load.
I like the collection lists; you can rename them to popular collections and link them to the most important ones.
Making Your Website Mobile Friendly
While editing, always check out the mobile view continuously.
For example, a collection list with 3 collections can look good on the desktop view but look like it is missing a fourth collection on the mobile view.
A lot of customers will be making their orders on mobile.
So, make sure it looks sleek with no flaws at all.
Creating Discount Coupons
In the discounts section on the sidebar, you can create your own discount.
Write a cool name or code for your coupon.
Then select the discount type like if you need it as a percentage, fixed amount, or free shipping.
Write down the value, for example, 10 percent.
Pick the eligible customers and choose how many times they should use the coupons.
Apply it to your preferred products and select a validity period that the coupon expires by the end of it.
You can create a shareable link for the coupon so that when a customer clicks on it, she will be redirected to the shop with the coupon code already typed so she won’t forget it.
Shopify Preferences
In the preferences, there are two important things you need to adjust.
The meta texts and social sharing image.
The meta title and description represent your website in the search engine results and if you optimize them, you can rank well on the results.
Pick a good title enriched with keywords, and the same with the description.
Shopify sets 320 characters limit, but they don’t fully appear, I write mine around 160 characters.
The social sharing image is for sharing links on social media, when they don’t have relevant images, Shopify uploads these pictures automatically.
Edit an image using Canva and apply your brand visual identity to make a clean look.
Shopify Settings
Store Details: Choose your store name, domain, and email address (use a professional email address with your domain name).
Plan: Choose the plan that meets your financial goals.
Billing: Link up your credit card to automatically pay owed amounts.
Users and Permissions: Add your staff or any friend helping you with the store.
Payment: Set up Shopify Payments to facilitate transactions.
Checkout: Preselect the signing up to the email option and use address autocompletion. And see if you need any more information for the customers.
Customer Accounts: Understand your audience better and organize their data.
Shipping and Delivery: Activate Shop Promise it’s useful for expecting delivery time estimations and it’s good for conversions.
Locations: Add your brick-and-mortar stores if you have any.
Gift Cards: Can be nice for marketing.
Markets: If you’re confident about selling internationally.
Apps and Sales Channels: Your apps like the Dropship Beauty App will appear here.
Domains: Register your domain on GoDaddy better.
Customer Events: Link tools like Meta Pixel to track and analyze your audience.
Brand: Upload your branding assets right here.
Notifications: Make sure to be updated about anything that happens in your store.
Customer Data: To enrich your website with enhanced texts for SEO.
Languages: Shopify translates the website’s content to different audiences.
Customer Privacy: To let the customer know about privacy-related information.
Store Activity Log: To monitor any activity by the users you added.
Policies: In the hair industry the return policy can be hurtful in many situations it would be irrational to be liable to them.
Read the policies thoroughly and edit them to what you see as rational.
And check them with Grammarly, most of the time they have a lot of typos.
Facilitating Payments
Link popular payment methods like PayPal and Shop with Installments.
Set up your Shopify Payment and any other method that is trending in your local market.
It’s obligatory to make things easier for the customer to have a seamless experience that doesn’t need much effort.
That is the first rule of the e-commerce club.
Doing Taxes
Shopify partners with the Vertex Tax App to process your taxes.
I prefer Tax Jar as it groups all my revenue resources in one place.
It can be beneficial if you’re selling on more than one platform.
But pick what you see as suitable for you and meets your needs.
Marketing and Apps for Your Store
You pay money to get money.
When you’re starting, don’t empty your pockets on subscriptions.
But as soon as you earn some money, reinvest it into the business.
One of my SMS campaigns cost me $3000 but it gave me $10,000 worth of sales.
SMS is expensive but any marketing campaign has a return on investment.
You can make use of free tools like Shopify Email to get yourself going with flows and automation.
You should also write valuable blogs that educate your audience and water down the selling tone.
There must be at least 3 blogs 1000 long on your website before launching.
When you have more on your hand move to more sophisticated tools and apps like Klaviyo for email marketing or PostScript for SMS campaigns.
Install customer review apps like Judge.Me to cultivate word of mouth.
And customer relationship management (CRM) apps like the Groove CRM system.
There is no such thing as a secret hack to make you successful.
You should put in effort gradually and consistently.
You have to learn how to be successful if you want to be one.
And if that seems like a lot of work, I understand you.
Reach out to us on the Dropship Beauty website to get a pre-designed website in a week with imported products optimized for e-commerce for $99 for get it free after finishing our Hair Dropshipping Free Course!